Low serum iron, total iron binding capacity worsen Crohn’s disease

15 Mar 2022
Low serum iron, total iron binding capacity worsen Crohn’s disease

Low serum iron (SI) and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) may lead to significantly worse Crohn’s disease (CR), reports a recent study.

Eighty-four CD patients (median age 28 years, 64.29 percent men) participated in the present study and were divided into four groups according to CD activity index (CDAI) scores: <150 (remission; n=15), 150–220 (mild activity; n=16), and 221-450 (moderate activity; n=53). Blood samples were also drawn to measure five indicators, including SI, TIBC, ferritin, transferrin, and transferrin saturation. A parallel group of 24 controls was also included.

Serum iron levels decreased with increasing disease activity. Patients in remission, for example, had an average level of 10.50 µmol/L, which dropped to 5.60 µmol/L in those with moderate disease. In healthy controls, the mean serum iron concentration was 16.15 µmol/L, significantly higher than that in all disease activity groups.

A similar effect was reported for TIBC, which had comparable average levels between controls and patients in remission (53.58 and 53.29 µmol/L, respectively) but was significantly lowered among those with moderate disease (43.67 µmol/L).

Logistic regression analysis confirmed that low serum TIBC was a significant correlate of serious CD, increasing such likelihood by more than eight times (odds ratio [OR], 8.259, 95 percent confidence interval [CI], 2.267–30.086).

The same was true for low serum iron, but to a much stronger degree, aggravating the odds of serious CD by more than 20 times (OR, 21.315, 95 percent CI, 3.525–128.88).

Sci Rep 2022;12:3923