High social engagement in midlife tied to lower dementia risk

23 Aug 2023 byElaine Soliven
High social engagement in midlife tied to lower dementia risk

Higher levels of social engagement during midlife are associated with a reduced risk of dementia later in life, according to a study presented at AAIC 2023.

“Strong psychosocial health is believed to have a positive impact on cognition, functional independence, and well-being in ageing adults,” said Dr Renée Groechel from the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, US, who presented the study.

“Associations between late-life psychosocial health and dementia risk have been established in older adults, but it remains less clear how one’s social interactions in midlife [(aged 40–60 years)] may relate to dementia risk in late life,” she noted.

Using data from the ARIC* cohort study, the researchers conducted a prospective study involving 13,216 dementia-free participants at midlife (mean age 57 years, 55 percent female) to assess the association between social engagement (defined as a composite score based on levels of social support and isolation) and dementia incidence. Social support and isolation were evaluated via interviewer-administered questionnaires (visit 2: 1990–1992). Participants were categorized according to the level of their social engagement, which was classified as high, intermediate, or low. [AAIC 2023, abstract 1-07-DEV]

At a median follow-up of 23.7 years, 2,555 participants developed dementia.

After adjusting for potential confounders, individuals with a high level of social engagement at midlife had a 25 percent lower risk of developing dementia in late life than those with a low level of social engagement (hazard ratio [HR], 0.75; p≤0.01).

This effect was also observed among those with intermediate social engagement compared to those with low social engagement (HR, 0.83; p≤0.01), although with a slightly smaller effect, yet still significant.

When the analysis was further stratified by sex, female participants who had high and intermediate levels of midlife social engagement achieved a considerably lower risk of dementia than those with low levels of social engagement (HRs, 0.69 and 0.72, respectively; p≤0.01 for both).

“The effects were very similar to those seen in the whole sample, and that protective association was still significant,” Groechel said.

Male participants with a high social engagement had a lower risk of developing dementia by 18 percent compared with those with low social engagement (HR, 0.82; p≤0.05). However, this correlation was not found in males with intermediate social engagement (HR, 0.97).

“Overall, greater social engagement in midlife might be an important protective factor for dementia in late life … This finding provides further evidence that midlife could be a critical time window for dementia intervention,” said Groechel.

Future longitudinal studies are needed to evaluate the mechanisms by which psychosocial health may modify the likelihood of dementia, she added. 

*ARIC: Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities