Mirikizumab confers clinical benefit in ulcerative colitis

02 Oct 2019
Mirikizumab confers clinical benefit in ulcerative colitis

The monoclonal p19-directed interleukin 23 antibody mirikizumab shows promise in the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis (UC), inducing remission after 12 weeks and having durable efficacy, according to the results of a phase II trial.

A total of 249 patients with moderate to severely active UC were randomized to receive intravenous placebo (n=63), mirikizumab 50 mg (n=63) or 200 mg (n=62) with exposure-based dosing, or mirikizumab 60 mg with fixed dosing (n=61) at weeks 0, 4 and 8. Of the patients, 63 percent were previously exposed to a biologic agent.

Patients who showed clinical response with the study drug at week 12 were then randomly assigned to groups that received maintenance dose at 200 mg subcutaneously every 4 weeks (n=47) or every 12 weeks (n=46).

The primary endpoint of clinical remission (Mayo subscores of 0 for rectal bleeding, with 1-point decrease from baseline for stool frequency, and 0 or 1 for endoscopy) at week 12 occurred more frequently in the active treatment groups vs placebo group: 15.9 percent with 50 mg, 22.6 percent with 200 mg and 11.5 percent with 600 mg vs 4.8 percent with placebo (p=0.066, p=0.004 and p=0.142, respectively).

Results were similar for clinical responses (decrease in 9-point Mayo score, including ≥2 points and ≥35 percent from baseline with either a decrease of rectal bleeding subscore of ≥1 or a rectal bleeding subscore of 0 or 1): 41.3 percent with 50 mg, 59.7 percent with 200 mg and 49.2 percent with 600 mg vs 20.6 percent with placebo (p=0.014, p<0.001 and p=0.001, respectively).

Clinical remission at week 52 was achieved in 46.8 percent of patients given subcutaneous mirikizumab 200 mg every 4 weeks and 37.0 percent of those who received the same dose every 12 weeks.

More studies are needed to determine the optimal dose for induction of remission, researchers said.

Gastroenterology 2019;doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2019.08.043