Increasingly low birth rates and longevity are predicted to result in 2 billion people aged above 60 on the planet by middle of this century. “In the G20 [countries], there’s already more old than young, and around the world we’ll be there very shortly,” said Michael W. Hodin, Ph.D, chief executive officer, Global Coalition On Aging (GCOA), at the 10th Malaysian Hybrid Conference on Healthy Ageing.
Therefore, Hodin emphasized that “society must realign for the 100-year life” because the younger generations are likely to live for 100 years, and they must be as healthy as possible. This is also the agenda of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030), which is about all people—even those who have not yet been born—living as healthy as possible to 100 years and beyond.
GCOA, in alignment with the Decade of Healthy Ageing, wants to enable healthy ageing worldwide through technology, transportation, pharmaceuticals, and home care.
In many ways, the cornerstone of the Decade of Healthy Ageing is about reframing and rethinking health ie, measuring it in the context of maintaining functional ability while treating and eliminating diseases for a thriving silver economy. The four core areas are age-friendly environments, combating ageism or overcoming the culture of ageism, integrated care, and long-term care.
The main threats to healthy ageing include noncommunicable and communicable diseases, and antimicrobial resistance. Among the noncommunicable diseases, which need to be managed better for improved functional ability, are major chronic diseases ie, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. Hodin noted that bone health in terms of osteoporosis and fragility fractures should be added to the list.
Bone health represents the profound and underlying challenges of the Decade of Healthy Ageing. In many ways, it is not only the disease itself or the impact on health and economy but also as a symbol of ageing. In the 20th century, older people were depicted as hunched over with a cane because of osteoporosis. The transition has already started from the 20th century acute care model of preventing the second fragility fracture to the 21st century model—of which Amgen is focused on—of predicting and preventing the first fracture, leading to healthy and active ageing.
Previously under-recognized, adult immunization received more attention during the COVID-19 pandemic and should be a central feature in disease prevention strategies. There are vaccines specifically for adults, against influenza, shingles, pneumococcal pneumonia, and COVID-19 with more innovations expected during the decade. It is a notional idea that if vaccine access is expanded, vaccine uptake is increased, and the opportunities for healthy ageing expand.
One area that needs more focus is the challenges of Alzheimer’s and other dementias, Hodin noted. Their impact on the 21st century is both staggering and accelerating with regard to the number of people affected—more than 55 million families worldwide—as well as the cost to the global economy, estimated at about US$1.3 trillion in 2019. It is important to link recent scientific advances and policy milestones on a global scale. Currently, the world is still not utilizing the full range of collaboration, innovations, resources, and tools against dementia, Hodin said.
Caregiving, especially at home, is another opportunity for enhancing healthy ageing. For example, Home Instead Inc. was acquired by Honor Technology Inc., both US companies, in August 2021 paving the way for empowering caregivers and increasing innovation for revolutionary elder home care. The combination is expected to turn homes into hospitals of the future.
20 May 2022
bySaras Ramiya