Treatment with endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for rectal tumours extending to the dentate line (RTDLs) remains safe and feasible despite its poorer outcomes relative to non-RTDLs if appropriate lesions are handled by experienced operators, suggests a study.
The researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies reporting the clinical outcomes of ESD for RTDLs and non-RTDLs. Their primary outcomes included pooled estimated rates of en bloc/complete/curative resection, local recurrence, and incidence of bleeding, perforation, stricture, anal pain, and fever.
Six studies, including 265 cases of RTDLs and 788 cases of non-RTDLs, met the eligibility criteria. The en bloc reaction rate was similar between RTDLs and non-RTDLs (odds ratio [OR], 1.04, 95 percent confidence interval [CI], 0.55‒1.95; p=0.90). However, the complete resection rate (OR, 0.59, 95 percent CI, 0.41‒0.83; p=0.003) and the curative resection rate (OR, 0.57, 95 percent CI, 0.38‒0.87; p=0.010) were significantly lower for RTDLs.
In contrast, the rates of stricture (OR, 3.07, 95 percent CI, 1.01‒9.31; p=0.05), postoperative anal pain (OR, 42.10, 95 percent CI, 4.73‒374.97; p=0.0008), and local recurrence (OR, 3.00, 95 percent CI, 1.13‒7.96; p=0.03) were significantly higher for RTDLs than non-RTDLs.
Of note, the higher rates of postoperative bleeding (OR, 1.33, 95 percent CI, 0.53‒3.30; p=0.54) and fever (OR, 2.23, 95 percent CI, 0.55‒9.07; p=0.26), as well as the lower rate of perforation (OR, 0.85, 95 percent CI, 0.27‒2.63), for RTDLs did not reach statistical significance.
“[O]ur study showed that there were a lower complete resection rate and higher local recurrence rate in RTDL group than non-RTDL group, but ESD is still a feasible and safe treatment option for RTDLs if appropriate lesions are treated by an experienced operator, and postresection surveillance is emphasized,” the researchers said.