Ministry of Health, state governments receive special allocation to help in battling COVID-19

24 Mar 2020 byPank Jit Sin
Ministry of Health, state governments receive special allocation to help in battling COVID-19
The Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced a special RM500 million allocation to the Ministry of Health. The funds will go toward the purchase of medical equipment such as ventilators, personal protective equipment (PPE), laboratory equipment and consumables necessary for COVID-19 testing, among others.

Additionally, RM150 million has been allocated for the hiring of 2,000 contract staff to relief the burden on our currently overworked healthcare professionals. In particular, the bulk of the hiring are expected to be nurses.

A further RM130 million will be allocated to all state governments to help in all aspects related to the movement restriction order (MRO) and the economic aftermath of the pandemic. The fund will, among others, be targeted at petty traders, odd-job labourers, and family members of those afflicted with COVID-19.

Further announcements regarding the financial stimulus package will be announced on 30 March.