Heart Failure - Chronic Management

Last updated: 11 June 2024

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Principles of therapy

The use of angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), beta-blocker, mineralocorticoid receptor agonist (MRA), and sodium-glucose linked transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor is important in modifying the course of systolic heart failure. The use of the above drugs should be considered in all patients with heart failure because it decreases the risk of heart failure hospitalization and premature death. They are commonly used in conjunction with a diuretic to relieve the symptoms and signs of congestion. There is no optimal order of treatment initiation and/or titration. Treatment approach should be individualized. Initiation of a beta-blocker is better tolerated when the patient is less congested (dry), with adequate resting heart rate, and an ARNI, ACE inhibitor, or ARB when the patient is congested (wet).  

Rapid initiation and titration of therapy to maximally tolerated or target doses doses must be done in chronic HFrEF patients in order to achieve the maximal benefits of guideline-directed medical therapy. Guideline-directed medical therapy should be continued, initiated, and further optimized in hospitalized patients before discharge. To reduce the risk of heart failure readmission or death, it is recommended that high-intensity evidence-based treatment be started early and rapidly up-titrated pre-discharge and during follow-up visits within the first 6 weeks after heart failure hospitalization. It is important to reassess ventricular function 3-6 months after achieving maximally tolerated or target doses of guideline-directed medical therapy to determine the need for ICD and/or CRT.  

Continuous intravenous inotropes and/or vasopressors may be considered as a bridge to mechanical circulatory support or heart transplantation in patients with advanced heart failure with low cardiac output and evidence of organ hypoperfusion, or as palliative therapy to control symptoms and improve functional status. 

In COVID-19 infection, inhibition of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is not associated with infection risk or disease severity and should be continued as long as hemodynamically tolerated by the patient. Chronic heart failure patients should continue guideline-directed medical therapy regardless of COVID-19 infection.  

Pharmacological therapy

Please see the Heart Failure - Acute disease management chart for information on intravenous drugs administered in the hospital or healthcare facility for emergency cases of heart failure.

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors
ACE inhibitors are recommended for the prevention of heart failure in patients at risk of this syndrome. They should be prescribed to all patients with decreased left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤40% regardless of symptoms unless contraindicated or not tolerated.  

It may be started as soon as a heart failure diagnosis is made because of its modest effect on left ventricular remodeling which delays the development of symptomatic chronic heart failure in patients with asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction and those without ventricular dysfunction.  

If a patient has a recent or current history of fluid retention, diuretics should be started prior to ACE inhibitors to ensure sodium balance, preventing peripheral and pulmonary edema.  

An increase in creatinine and potassium levels is expected after treatment with an ACE inhibitor (or ARB) or ARNI. An increase in the creatinine level of up to 3 mg/dL (eGFR >25 mL/min/1.73 m2) or up to 50% above baseline (whichever is smaller) and a potassium level of ≤5.5 mmol/L is acceptable. Administration of potassium-lowering agents (eg patiromer and sodium zirconium cyclosilicate) may allow the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibitor initiation or uptitration in a large number of patients with hyperkalemia. Consider a specialist referral if with significant renal dysfunction or hyperkalemia.  

Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs) or Angiotensin II Antagonists  

ARBs are recommended as alternative drugs in patients who are intolerant of ARNI or ACE inhibitors due to cough or angioedema. Patients should also be given a beta-blocker and an MRA. ARBs can also be used as alternatives to ACE inhibitors as first-line agents in those already on ARB for other indications. They may also be considered in patients with systolic chronic heart failure who remain symptomatic despite receiving an ACE inhibitor and a beta-blocker and are intolerant of MRA.  

Candesartan may be considered for ambulatory patients with symptomatic HFmrEF to decrease the risk of heart failure hospitalization and cardiovascular death.  

Avoid the use of ARBs in patients with recent acute myocardial infarction and decreased left ventricular ejection fraction who are on ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers. The triple combination of an ACE inhibitor, ARB, and MRA is not recommended due to the increased risk of hyperkalemia.  

Angiotensin Receptor-Neprilysin Inhibitor (ARNI)

Example Drugs: Sacubitril/Valsartan

ARNI is indicated for patients with HFrEF (ejection fraction of ≤40%), NYHA Class II-IV.  

It is a recommended replacement for an ACE inhibitor or ARB to further decrease morbidity and mortality in ambulatory patients with HFrEF NYHA Class II-III. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular death and heart failure hospitalization in adult patients with chronic heart failure with benefits most evident in those with left ventricular ejection fraction below normal.  

It acts by inhibiting neprilysin which slows down the degradation of natriuretic peptides, bradykinin, and other peptides leading to high amounts of circulating A-type natriuretic peptide and BNP resulting in diuresis, natriuresis, and relaxation and anti-remodeling of the myocardium. It is important to interpret BNP values with caution as BNP levels may rise with ARNI therapy. It is recommended as a replacement for ACE inhibitor or ARB to further decrease morbidity and mortality in patients with HFrEF NYHA Class II-IV.    

One may consider starting Sacubitril/Valsartan rather than an ACE inhibitor or ARB for patients admitted with new-onset heart failure or decompensated chronic heart failure for reduction of short-term risk of adverse events, and for simplification of management (ie the need to initially titrate ACE inhibitor then switch to Sacubitril/Valsartan is avoided).  

Treatment should not be combined with an ACE inhibitor or ARB or initiated within 36 hours from the last dose of an ACE inhibitor due to a higher risk of angioedema.  


Beta-blockers are recommended in all stable NYHA Class II-IV patients with HFrEF to relieve angina unless contraindicated or not tolerated. It is the preferred first-line treatment to control ventricular rate for patients in NYHA Class I-III provided that they are euvolemic. They may also be used to control the ventricular rate in heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction and atrial fibrillation.  

Additionally, they are also used in patients with prior myocardial infarction to reduce mortality, recurrent myocardial infarction, and the development of heart failure. Beta-blockers slow down symptom onset and decrease cardiac morbidity in post-myocardial infarction patients with asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction. They may be considered for ambulatory patients with symptomatic HFmrEF to decrease the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death.  

They prevent ischemia and inhibit the adverse effects of the sympathetic nervous system in heart failure. It is recommended to use only evidence-based beta-blockers (eg Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, Metoprolol succinate, or Nebivolol) in patients with HFrEF and to initiate treatment in a “start low, go slow” approach.  

Calcium Channel Blockers  

Dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers are not recommended for heart failure treatment in patients with HFrEF but may be used to treat hypertension in patients with high blood pressure despite optimal guideline-based medical treatment.  

Non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers that are negative inotropes are contraindicated in patients with HFrEF. However, Diltiazem is sometimes used in patients with chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation to decrease excessive exercise-related heart rates.  


Digoxin may be used to slow a rapid ventricular rate in patients with symptomatic heart failure, left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤40%, and atrial fibrillation in addition to or prior to a beta-blocker. It is recommended as the preferred second drug, in addition to a beta-blocker, to control the ventricular rate in patients with inadequate response to a beta-blocker. It may also be used to decrease hospitalization in NYHA Class II-IV patients with an ejection fraction of ≤40% in sinus rhythm and persisting symptoms despite treatment with optimized guideline-directed medical therapy.  


Diuretics are recommended in NYHA Class II-IV patients with heart failure and those with clinical manifestations of congestion or fluid overload regardless of the ejection fraction.  

Start with a low dose and titrate accordingly until clinical improvement is achieved. Diuretic dosing may need to be reduced with increasing doses of ARNI, ACE inhibitor, or ARB and/or initiation of an SGLT2 inhibitor. Adjust the dose after the restoration of dry body weight to avoid the risk of dehydration, hypotension, and renal dysfunction.    

Patients with preserved ejection fraction are given diuretics to control volume, manage high blood pressure, and relieve ischemia. If after the management of volume overload, the patient with preserved ejection fraction still has persistent hypertension, ACE inhibitors or ARBs and beta-blockers should be given to achieve a systolic blood pressure of <130 mmHg.  

Diuretics may be considered to reduce the risk of heart failure hospitalization in patients in sinus rhythm with an ejection fraction of ≤45% who are unable to tolerate a beta-blocker.     

They work synergistically when a different diuretic is used in combination with a loop diuretic for the treatment of resistant edema. Consider ultrafiltration in patients with refractory volume overload not responding to diuretic therapy.  

Loop Diuretics  

Loop diuretics are the preferred diuretics for the treatment of heart failure. They are used in patients with more severe volume overload or if there is an inadequate response to thiazides. They produce a greater fractional excretion of filtered sodium and provide a more intense and shorter diuresis.  

Initial dose will depend on the patient's renal function and prior treatment with diuretics.  

If high doses of a loop diuretic are reached during treatment (ie equivalent of Furosemide 80 mg 12 hourly), one may consider switching to a different loop diuretic or adding a thiazide diuretic.  

Potassium-Sparing Diuretics  

Potassium-sparing diuretics are recommended in patients with excessive potassium losses secondary to the use of loop diuretics. They are also used in combination with thiazides for the treatment of hypertension. Caution is needed if a potassium-sparing diuretic is used in addition to an ACE inhibitor or ARB, and MRA.  

Thiazide Diuretics  

Thiazide diuretics may be effective as monotherapy in heart failure patients with mild congestion and normal renal function.  


Thiazides or Metolazone can be used in combination with loop diuretics for a synergistic effect in patients with persistent fluid retention despite a high-dose loop diuretic treatment. Chronic daily use of these agents, especially Metolazone, should be avoided because of the risk of electrolyte imbalance and dehydration.  

Hydralazine + Isosorbide Dinitrate  

Hydralazine and Isosorbide dinitrate are given to NYHA Class III-IV black patients with HFrEF who remain symptomatic despite optimal standard therapy with ARNI, ACE inhibitor or ARB, beta-blocker, aldosterone antagonist, and SGLT2 inhibitor. They are considered an alternative in patients who cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors, ARBs, or ARNI or in whom these agents are contraindicated and if no other treatment options are available.  

Hydralazine and Isosorbide have complementary dilating actions. Hydralazine may interfere with the molecular mechanisms responsible for the progression of heart failure while Isosorbide may also inhibit abnormal myocardial and vascular growth, thus may reduce ventricular remodeling. The dose may be increased every 2 weeks to maximum tolerated or target dose.  


Ivabradine is a highly selective sinus node I(f) channel inhibitor that is known for slowing the heart rate. It is approved for use in patients with a heart rate of ≥75 bpm.  

It may be considered to reduce mortality and the risk of heart failure hospitalization in patients in sinus rhythm with a left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤35%, heart rate of ≥70 bpm at rest, with persisting symptoms (NYHA Class II-III), and with:

  • Inadequate response to guideline-directed medical therapy including maximally tolerated, evidence-based dose of beta-blocker
  • Intolerance or contraindication to beta-blockers or when there is treatment failure after beta-blocker therapy; the patient should also be given an ACE inhibitor (or ARB/ARNI) and MRA

Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists (MRA) or Aldosterone Antagonists  

MRA or aldosterone antagonists are recommended for NYHA Class II-IV patients with HFrEF to reduce morbidity and mortality. It is a treatment option for patients with HFpEF (EF ≥45%, increased BNP, estimated GFR >30 mL/min, creatinine <2.5 mg/dL, potassium <5 mEq/L) to reduce hospitalizations. It is recommended also for NYHA Class II symptomatic patients with a history of previous cardiovascular hospitalization or an elevated level of natriuretic peptide.  

Spironolactone and Eplerenone block receptors that bind aldosterone and other corticosteroids and are best characterized as MRAs. Spironolactone is recommended for patients who remain severely symptomatic despite appropriate doses with ACE inhibitors, loop diuretics, and Digoxin. Spironolactone may be considered for ambulatory patients with symptomatic HFmrEF without contraindications to decrease the risk of heart failure hospitalization and cardiovascular death. Eplerenone is considered in patients with systolic heart failure who still have mild symptoms despite receiving standard therapy of ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers. Additionally, it has no antiandrogenic effects.  

Renal dysfunction and hyperkalemia may lead to the underutilization of MRA. Administration of potassium-lowering agents may allow MRA initiation or uptitration in a large number of patients with hyperkalemia. Serial monitoring of serum electrolytes and renal enzymes is therefore advised.                                                     


A short-acting oral or transcutaneous nitrate is an effective treatment for angina and is safe to use in patients with heart failure.  


Rivaroxaban may be considered, in addition to Aspirin therapy, for ambulatory patients with CAD, and chronic heart failure in NYHA Class I/II with a left ventricular ejection fraction of >30% to decrease the risk of stroke and cardiovascular death.  

Sodium-Glucose Linked Transporter or Co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors

Example drugs: Dapagliflozin, Empagliflozin, Sotagliflozin  

SGLT2 inhibitors are indicated for patients with heart failure across all ejection fraction subgroups, with or without diabetes, NYHA Class II-IV, to decrease the risk of cardiovascular deaths, heart failure hospitalization, and urgent heart failure visits. They reduce risk of cardiovascular death and heart failure hospitalizations in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and established cardiovascular disease or multiple cardiovascular risk factors.  

Sotagliflozin is an inhibitor of both SGLT1 and SGLT2. Its inhibition of SGLT1 decreases intestinal absorption of sodium and glucose which may cause diarrhea. All patients with HFpEF should be initiated on SGLT2 inhibitor if without contraindications.  


Tolvaptan is a vasopressin V2 receptor antagonist that may be used for short-term treatment of resistant hypervolemic hyponatremia despite water restriction and guideline-directed medical therapy. It may be given during hospitalization to patients with HFrEF who have fluid retention unresponsive to treatment with other diuretics including loop diuretics. Tolvaptan given during hospitalization for acute heart failure may be used by patients with HFpEF after discharge to control congestion. Adverse effects include thirst and dehydration.  


Vericiguat is an oral soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator that may be considered to decrease the risk of heart failure hospitalization and cardiovascular death following a heart failure hospitalization or outpatient intravenous diuretic therapy in select high-risk patients with HFrEF NYHA Class II-IV and left ventricular ejection fraction of <45% with worsening heart failure despite guideline-directed medical therapy.  

Adjunctive Therapy  

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)  

Coenzyme Q10 is a lipid-soluble cofactor found in the mitochondrial inner membrane that has antioxidant properties and a bioenergetic role. It is predominantly located in the myocardium.  

The Q-SYMBIO trial, a double-blind trial on Coenzyme Q10 as adjunctive therapy for chronic heart failure, found that supplementation with Coenzyme Q10 was safe and has resulted in heart failure symptom improvement and reduction in major adverse cardiovascular events and mortality. As trials on Coenzyme Q10 have shown mixed results, further evidence is needed to establish its beneficial effect.  

Treatment of Comorbidity  


Long-term anticoagulation should be given to patients with chronic heart failure with permanent-persistent-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and a CHA2DS2-VASc score of ≥2 in men and ≥3 in women. In eligible patients, direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) is recommended over Warfarin. A reasonable therapy for patients with chronic heart failure with permanent-persistent-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in the absence of additional risk factors.  

Intravenous Iron Replacement  

Intravenous iron replacement may be given in symptomatic patients with HFrEF and HFmrEF, and iron deficiency (serum ferritin <100 ng/mL or 100-300 ng/mL if transferrin saturation is <20%) with or without anemia for alleviation of heart failure symptoms and improvement of exercise capacity and quality of life. Ferric carboxymaltose or Ferric derisomaltose should be considered in above patients to decrease the risk of heart failure hospitalization.    


Pneumococcal vaccination, annual influenza vaccination, as well as COVID-19 vaccination, are recommended in all patients with heart failure in the absence of known contraindications. Pulmonary congestion and pulmonary hypertension increase the risk of respiratory infections (one of the major causes of acute decompensation, especially in the elderly). 


Patient Education

General Counseling  

Patient counseling tends to improve patient compliance and outcomes. Educate the patient and caregivers about chronic heart failure. Discuss the nature of heart failure, treatment goals, drug regimens and side effects, dietary and activity restrictions, signs and symptoms of worsening heart failure, what to do if these symptoms occur, and prognosis.  

Advise the patient regarding enrollment in a multidisciplinary heart failure management program, self-management strategies, and either home-based and/or clinic-based programs to decrease the risk of hospitalization and mortality. Provide discharge instructions with a transitional care plan and programs for psychological and social support. Genetic counseling and screening may be advised to patients with first-degree relatives with inherited or genetic cardiomyopathies.  


Inform patients about the drugs’ indications, dosage, side effects, and precautions. Emphasize the importance of treatment adherence to the patients. Assist patients in dealing with complicated drug regimens and in accessing affordable medications. Advise patients to avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) including cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors since patients are at increased risk for fluid retention and renal failure especially those with decreased renal function or who are on angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. NSAIDs can cause sodium retention, peripheral vasoconstriction, decrease the efficacy and increase the toxicity of ACE inhibitors and diuretics.  

Pregnancy and Contraception  

Low-dose oral contraceptives have a small risk of causing hypertension or thrombogenicity, but these risks need to be weighed against the risk of pregnancy. Advise patients with left ventricular ejection fraction of <30% and those in NYHA Class III-IV to not get pregnant. If heart failure occurs during pregnancy, use beta-blockers, Digoxin, diuretics, Hydralazine and/or nitrates judiciously. Women with a history of heart failure or cardiomyopathy should be counseled pre-pregnancy regarding contraception and the risks of cardiovascular status deterioration while being pregnant.    


Discuss travel plans with the physician for patients with heart failure who are at increased risk of deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Air travel is preferred to other means of transportation, especially on long journeys. Long flights may predispose patients to accidental omission of medicines, edema of the lower extremities, dehydration, and deep vein thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis with a single injection of low-molecular-weight Heparin and/or graduated compression stockings plus calf stretching during the flight are recommended. Pharmacotherapy may be added if there is a significant risk of deep vein thrombosis. Advise patients to avoid high altitude destinations of >1500 meters because of relative hypoxia.

Lifestyle Modification

Weight Monitoring  

An increase in body weight is associated with deterioration of heart failure and fluid retention. Patients should weigh themselves regularly to monitor their weight change. If a patient has sudden unexpected weight gain of >2 kg in 3 days, the physician should be informed, and diuretic dose may need to be adjusted.  

Patients who are obese need to lose weight to decrease symptoms, improve well-being, and prevent progression of heart failure. Weight reduction should not routinely be done in patients with moderate to severe heart failure since unintentional weight loss and anorexia are common problems in these patients.  

Please see Obesity disease management chart for further information.  

Cardiac cachexia, defined as involuntary non-edematous weight loss ≥6% of total body weight within the previous 6-12 months, is an important predictor of decreased survival. Possible treatments are appetite stimulants, exercise, anabolic agents, and nutritional supplements.  

Diet Modification  

Restrict sodium intake to <2 g/day (~1/4 teaspoon of table salt). Advise patients regarding a low potassium diet since hyperkalemia and/or abnormal renal function hinders the ability to reach target medication doses.  

Fluid restriction should be individualized, though generally patients may limit fluid intake to 1-1.5 L/day in patients with normal renal function. Routine fluid restriction in all patients with mild to moderate symptoms is probably not beneficial. Weight-based fluid restriction (30 mL/kg body weight if body weight is ≤85 kg or 35 mL/kg if body weight is >85 kg) may cause less thirst.  

Excessive caffeine intake may increase heart rate, increase blood pressure, and exacerbate arrhythmia. Advise patients to limit caffeine beverages to 1-2 cups/day.  

Limit saturated fat intake in all patients with heart failure. Supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is a reasonable adjunctive therapy in chronic heart failure NYHA Class II-IV.  A trial showed reduction in mortality or hospital admission for a cardiovascular event.  

High fiber diet is recommended to prevent constipation that is secondary to relative gastrointestinal hypoperfusion. It helps avoid straining in stool which may provoke angina, dyspnea, or arrhythmia. Frequent small meals may prevent shunting of the cardiac output to the gastrointestinal tract, thus decreasing the risk of angina, dyspnea, dizziness, or bloating.  


Alcohol is a direct myocardial toxin and may impair cardiac contractility, may have a negative inotropic effect, may be associated with blood pressure elevation, and increases the risk for arrhythmia.  

Advise patients to abstain from or avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Limit alcohol intake to 10-20 g/day (2 units/day in men or 1 unit/day in women). A standard drink of 14 g of pure alcohol is equal to 12 oz of beer (5% alcohol content), 8-9 oz of malt liquor (7% alcohol content), 5 oz of table wine (12% alcohol content), or 1.5 oz of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor such as gin, rum, vodka, whiskey (40% alcohol content). 1 unit is equivalent to 10 mL (8 g) of pure alcohol (1/3 pint of beer [5.2% alcohol content], half a standard glass [175 mL] of wine [12% alcohol content], or 1 measure [25 mL] of spirits [40% alcohol content]).  

Smoking Cessation  

The primary goals in managing patients with heart failure are complete smoking cessation and avoidance of passive smoking. Patients may be provided with counseling, cessation programs, and pharmacotherapy (eg nicotine replacement, Bupropion) to aid in smoking cessation.  

Physical Activity  

Regular physical activity or aerobic exercise is strongly recommended in patients with chronic heart failure (NYHA Class I-III). It should be individualized based on the patient’s capacity. Promote adherence to an exercise goal of 30 minutes of moderate activity or exercise, 5-7 days a week with warm up and cool down exercise. When clinically stable, patients should be encouraged to carry out daily physical activities and leisure activities that do not induce symptoms.  

Sexual Activity  

Counsel patients to defer sexual activities if they are in NYHA Class III-IV but may resume when their cardiac condition is stabilized. Sexual activity is likely to be safe in patients who are able to achieve approximately 5-6 metabolic equivalents of exercise (ie can climb two flights of stairs without stopping due to angina, dyspnea, or dizziness).  

Advise patients regarding the use of sublingual Nitroglycerin as prophylaxis against dyspnea and chest pain during sexual activity. Drugs used in erectile dysfunction (eg Avanafil, Sildenafil, Tadalafil) are contraindicated in patients receiving nitrates or those who have hypotension, arrhythmias, or angina pectoris. 

Other Therapy

Cardiac Rehabilitation  

Cardiac rehabilitation is considered useful in patients who are clinically stable and able to participate in exercise programs. This includes monitored exercise, psychological support, and education about lifestyle changes to reduce cardiovascular risks. Several meta-analyses demonstrated that cardiac rehabilitation improves functional capacity, exercise duration, and health-related quality of life. It also decreases the risk of hospitalizations and mortality in heart failure patients. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation is recommended in symptomatic patients with HFrEF who are stable to decrease the risk of hospitalization. Consider a supervised program in patients with frailty, more severe disease, or comorbidities.  

It is helpful in monitoring symptoms, supporting drug titration, and reduce patient anxiety and uncertainty. Following revascularization, patients may also be referred for cardiac rehabilitation.  

Depression and Mood Disorder  

Screening for endogenous or prolonged reactive depression in patients with heart failure should be done following its diagnosis and at periodic intervals as clinically indicated. Initiate appropriate pharmacotherapy (eg selective serotonin receptor uptake inhibitors) and provide psychosocial support.  

Sleep and Breathing Disorders  

Patients with symptomatic heart failure usually have sleep-related breathing disorders (eg central or obstructive sleep apnea). Weight loss in obese patients, smoking cessation, and abstinence from alcohol are recommended to decrease the risks. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) should be considered in polysomnograph-documented obstructive sleep apnea to improve daily functional capacity and quality of life. 

Interventional Therapy

Device-based Therapy  

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)  

Cardiac resynchronization therapy is indicated for patients with ventricular dyssynchrony from conduction abnormalities. It is recommended if NYHA Class II-IV symptomatic patient is in sinus rhythm with a QRS duration of ≥150 msec, left bundle branch block, and left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤35% despite optimal guideline-directed medical therapy for at least 3-6 months. Cardiac resynchronization therapy provides high economic value.  

It should be considered in NYHA Class II-IV symptomatic heart failure patients in sinus rhythm with a left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤35% and QRS duration of ≥150 msec and non-left bundle branch block pattern or QRS duration of 120-149 msec and left bundle branch block pattern despite optimal medical therapy. It may be performed in patients more than 40 days post-myocardial infarction and with a reasonably expected survival of more than 1 year.  

Cardiac resynchronization therapy with a pacemaker is recommended (instead of right ventricular pacing) in patients with HFrEF regardless of NYHA class or QRS width with an indication for ventricular pacing for high-degree atrioventricular block, bradycardia, and atrial fibrillation.  

Consider an upgrade to cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤35% who have received a conventional pacemaker or an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) and subsequently experience worsening heart failure despite optimal medical therapy and who have a significant proportion of right ventricular pacing.  

To improve symptoms and quality of life and to reduce hospitalizations and total mortality, cardiac resynchronization therapy may also be considered in the following patients:

  • With high-degree or complete heart block and left ventricular ejection fraction of 36-50%
  • In sinus rhythm NYHA Class III-IV with a QRS duration of 120-149 msec, non-left bundle branch block, and left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤35% on guideline-directed medical therapy
  • With an ischemic cause of heart failure, in sinus rhythm NYHA Class I with a QRS duration of ≥150 msec, left bundle branch block, and left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤30% on guideline-directed medical therapy
  • On guideline-directed medical therapy with left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤35% and undergoing placement of a new or replacement of a device implant with anticipated requirement for significant ventricular pacing

Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator is indicated for patients with ventricular arrhythmias. Primary prevention or prophylactic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation to decrease the risk of sudden cardiac death may be done in an NYHA Class II-III symptomatic patient with a left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤35% or NYHA Class I symptomatic patient with a left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤30% despite optimal guideline-directed medical therapy for at least 3-6 months and without myocardial infarction in the prior 40 days, or with dilated ischemic cardiomyopathy, or with a reasonable expected survival for more than 1 year.  

A transvenous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator is of high economic value in the primary prevention of sudden cardiac death.  

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator may be done for secondary prevention in the following patients to improve survival:

  • Cardiac arrest survivors (expected survival rate of >1 year with good functional status) from ventricular fibrillation or with hemodynamic instability caused by documented ventricular dysrhythmia
  • Those with symptomatic chronic heart failure and left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤35% who experience syncope of unclear etiology
  • Those with previous myocardial infarction and left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤40% with non-sustained ventricular tachycardia and ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation that is inducible and sustained during an electrophysiological study

Consider an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator implantation in patients with genetic arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy with high-risk features of sudden death and ejection fraction of ≤45% to decrease sudden death. 

Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)  

A left ventricular assist device is a mechanical circulatory support used as a bridge to transplantation or to recovery. It should be considered in select NHYA Class IV patients who are deemed dependent on intravenous inotropes or temporary mechanical circulatory support. It may be used long-term as a transplantation alternative in patients with end-stage heart failure not eligible for heart transplantation (destination therapy) or as a bridge to candidacy or heart transplantation. 


Coronary Revascularization  

Coronary revascularization therapy includes coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). It is considered in patients with heart failure with left ventricular ejection fraction ≤35% and suitable coronary anatomy to relieve persistent angina symptoms despite optimal guideline-directed medical therapy including anti-anginal agents.  

Valvular Surgery  

Mitral valve repair or replacement may be considered after optimization of guideline-directed medical therapy in patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction and moderate-severe mitral regurgitation who will undergo surgical coronary revascularization.  

Mitral valve repair may be done in symptomatic patients with heart failure, severe mitral regurgitation, and a left ventricular ejection fraction of <30%. A MitraClip may be considered in select patients with HFrEF to decrease mitral regurgitation. In symptomatic patients with chronic moderate-severe to severe mitral regurgitation despite guideline-directed medical therapy at optimal doses, a transcatheter mitral valve edge-to-edge repair may be considered if ineligible for surgery and not requiring coronary revascularization.  

Mitral valve replacement may be considered in symptomatic patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction of <30% and/or left ventricular end-systolic diameter of >55 mm unresponsive to medical treatment, with comorbidities, and with a low likelihood for successful surgical outcome.  

Balloon mitral valvuloplasty (BMV) can be considered in patients with mitral stenosis with suitable valve anatomy.  

Percutaneous mitral commissurotomy (PMC) may be considered in symptomatic patients with mitral stenosis with a valve area of >1.5 cm2 with suitable valve anatomy at high risk or with contraindications for surgery. It should be considered in asymptomatic patients with high thromboembolic risk and/or high risk of hemodynamic decompensation without contraindications to percutaneous mitral commissurotomy.  

Aortic valve replacement may be considered for patients with aortic stenosis or aortic regurgitation. It is recommended for symptomatic patients irrespective of the left ventricular ejection fraction value. It should also be considered in symptomatic patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤50%, left ventricular enlargement with a left ventricular end-diastolic diameter of >70 mm, or left ventricular end-systolic diameter of >50 mm. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) or transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) may be considered in patients with high-risk aortic stenosis or patients who are not fit for surgery.  

Aortic valve repair or valve-sparing surgery should be considered in patients with pliable noncalcified tricuspid or bicuspid valves with type I or type II aortic regurgitation.  

Heart Transplantation  

Heart transplantation is considered in eligible patients with poor prognosis, advanced, or end-stage heart failure, and severe symptoms who have failed or are refractory to optimal guideline-directed medical therapy or device therapy or surgery, and without absolute contraindications. It significantly increases a patient’s survival and quality of life. 


Control of Risk and Prevention of Cardiovascular Events 

Hypertension and Dyslipidemia  

The optimal blood pressure for heart failure patients with hypertension is recommended to be <130/80 mmHg1. A healthy diet and statin therapy are potential preventive strategies for dyslipidemia.  

1Recommendations for blood pressure target goals may vary between countries. Please refer to available guidelines from local health authorities. 
Please see Hypertension and Dyslipidemia disease management charts for further information.  

Diabetes Mellitus (DM)  

SGLT2 inhibitors significantly decrease heart failure events in type 2 diabetes patients with heart failure, established cardiovascular disease, or high risk for cardiovascular disease. Metformin may be used in type 2 diabetes patients with stable heart failure, including HFpEF.  

Long-term treatment with ACE inhibitors or ARBs can prevent the development of end-organ disease, cardiovascular complications, and risk of heart failure in patients with diabetes and those without hypertension. Other agents that may also be given to patients with diabetes mellitus include a beta-blocker, MRA, an ARNI, and Ivabradine.   

Please see Diabetes Mellitus disease management chart for further information. 

Atherosclerotic Disease  

One large-scale trial showed that long-term therapy with an ACE inhibitor decreased the risk of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke in patients with known vascular disease. ACE inhibitors prevent heart failure in patients who are at high risk of developing heart failure, have a history of atherosclerotic vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, or hypertension with associated cardiovascular risk factors.   

For the prevention of symptomatic heart failure in pre-heart failure patients, the following may be considered: 

  • ACE inhibitor or beta-blocker for left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤40%
  • ARB in patients intolerant of ACE inhibitors and with a recent myocardial infarction and left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤40%
  • Beta-blocker (left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤40%) or statins for patients with a remote or recent history of acute coronary syndrome or myocardial infarction

An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator may be placed in pre-heart failure patients who are at least 40 days post-myocardial infarction with a left ventricular ejection fraction of ≤30% and with more than 1 year expected survival.  

Atrial Fibrillation   

Patients with atrial fibrillation should be treated according to guideline-directed medical therapy. Beta-blocker or non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker plus Digoxin may be given if needed. Anticoagulation may be done if without contraindications.   

Chronic Kidney Disease  

SGLT2 inhibitors and RAAS inhibitors may slow renal disease progression. Finerenone reduced the risk of heart failure hospitalization in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and CKD.   

Please see Chronic Kidney Disease disease management chart for further information.