Acid reflux is a common occurrence in pregnant women due to hormonal changes and the uterus pressing against the stomach due to the growing fetus.1 A study showed improvement with nocturnal reflux symptoms with alginate-based reflux suppressants, which is important to the quality of life of pregnant women.2 It provides rapid, longer, and lasting relief of heartburn. It is also a safe treatment for pregnant women with reflux.3
References: 1. National Health Service (NHS). Indigestion and heartburn in pregnancy. NHS resource page. Available at:,safe%20to%20take%20in%20pregnancy. Accessed 8 October 2020. 2. Strugala V, et al. ISRN ObstetGynecol 2012;2012:481870. 3. Meteerattanapipat P, Phupong V. Sci Rep. 2017;7:44830.