Breast cancer worse among obese women

31 Jan 2021
Paboclicib enables easier battles against advanced breast cancer for patientsPaboclicib enables easier battles against advanced breast cancer for patients

Obesity, particularly central obesity, seems to correlate with a more aggressive breast cancer (BC) phenotype, a recent study has found. The impact of breast volume, on the other hand, is less clear.

A total of 347 pre- and postmenopausal women who had recently been diagnosed with BC participated in the study. Approximately a third (35.4 percent) had body mass index (BMI) >30 kg/m2 and were considered obese, while 60.20 percent were deemed to be centrally obese, defined as a waist-hip ratio ≥0.85. In 44.7 percent, breast volume was >600 cc and qualified as large.

In obese participants, tumours exceeding 2 cm occurred significantly more frequently (45.5 percent vs 40.6 percent; p=0.04), as did axillary involvement (53.84 percent vs 38.80 percent; p=0.04). In addition, undifferentiated tumours were significantly more common in the obese group (38.2 percent vs 23.2 percent; p=0.01). Obesity also worsened scores in the Nottingham prognostic index (NPI).

Among women with central obesity, higher postsurgical tumour stages were more common (61.7 percent vs 57.8 percent; p=0.03), and axillar invasion occurred at higher rates (39.9 percent vs 36.0 percent; p=0.004).

In addition, central obesity also coincided significantly with greater lymphovascular infiltration (6.5 percent vs 1.6 percent; p=0.02), more undifferentiated tumours (30.0 percent vs 22.3 percent; p=0.009), and worse NPI (p=0.04).

Breast volume only seemed to affect receptor status. Tumours that were oestrogen receptor-positive occurred more frequently among women with large breast volumes (91.3 percent vs 77.1 percent; p=0.04).

“Our results justify the performance of a simple, fast, and inexpensive anthropometric measurement in mammary oncology clinical practice; this measure could provide important prognostic information beyond what is obtained through the report of pathology anatomy and clinical evaluation,” the researchers said.

Sci Rep 2021;11:1872