A topical formulation containing chitosan-coated Chamomilla recutita (L.) rauschert microparticles does not lower any grade of radiodermatitis (RD) but is effective in reducing grade ≥2 toxicity to improve skin recovery and diminish high-intensity local symptoms in women with breast cancer, a study has shown.
A team of investigators examined the effect of a chitosan-coated chamomile microparticles formulation on the incidence, grade, and days for the appearance of RD in 54 women with breast cancer in this double-blinded, controlled, randomized, phase II clinical trial.
Participants were randomly assigned to either the treatment group or the control group. The investigators followed them until the end of treatment or the appearance of grade III RD.
No significant between-group difference was observed in the incidence (88.9 percent vs 88.9 percent; p=1.0) or time to develop any grade of RD (3 days of difference; p=0.300). However, there was a significant decrease noted in the incidence (p=0.03) and in the time to appearance (7 days of difference; p=0.01) of grade ≥2 RD.
In the follow-up evaluation 15 days after the end of treatment, skin recovery was better in the chamomile group than in the control group (p=0.0343). In addition, patients who received the chamomile formulation had significantly reduced high-intensity local symptoms such as pain and pruritus.