Original New Drug Application Approvals by US FDA (01 - 15 December 2020)

15 Dec 2020
Original New Drug Application Approvals by US FDA (01 - 15 December 2020)
New drug applications approved by US FDA as of 01 - 15 December 2020 which includes New Molecular Entities (NMEs) and new biologics. It does not include Tentative Approvals. Supplemental approvals may have occurred since the original approval date.

  • Active Ingredient(s): PSMA-11 Ga 68
  • Strength: 18.5 MBq/mL to 185 MBq/mL (0.5 mCi/mL to 5 mCi/mL)
  • Dosage Form(s) / Route(s): Injectable; injection
  • Company: University of California, Los Angeles
  • Approval Date: 01 December 2020
  • Submission Classification: Type 1 - New Molecular Entity
  • Indication(s): Indicated for positron emission tomography (PET) of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positive lesions in men with prostate cancer:
    • with suspected metastasis who are candidates for initial definitive therapy.
    • with suspected recurrence based on elevated serum prostate-specific antigen.
  • Approved Label01 December 2020 (PDF)

  • Active Ingredient(s): Tasimelteon
  • Strength: 20 mg
  • Dosage Form(s) / Route(s): Capsule; oral
  • Company: Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  • Approval Date: 01 December 2020
  • Submission Classification: Type 3 - New Dosage Form
  • Indication(s): Indicated for the treatment of:
    • Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder (Non-24) in adults
    • Nighttime sleep disturbances in Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) in patients 16 years of age and older.
  • Approved Label01 December 2020 (PDF)

  • Active Ingredient(s): Tasimelteon
  • Strength: 4 mg/mL
  • Dosage Form(s) / Route(s): Suspension; oral
  • Company: Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  • Approval Date: 01 December 2020
  • Submission Classification: Type 3 - New Dosage Form
  • Indication(s): Indicated for the treatment of:
    • Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder (Non-24) in adults
    • Nighttime sleep disturbances in Smith-Magenis Syndrome (SMS) in patients 16 years of age and older
  • Approved Label01 December 2020 (PDF)

  • Active Ingredient(s): Pralsetinib
  • Strength: 100 mg
  • Dosage Form(s) / Route(s): Capsule; oral
  • Company: Blueprint Medicines
  • Approval Date: 01 December 2020
  • Submission Classification: Type 9 - New Indication Submitted as Distinct NDA, Consolidated with Original NDA after Approval
  • Indication(s): Indicated for treatment of:
    • Adult patients with metastatic rearranged during transfection (RET) fusion-positive non-small cell lung cancer as detected by an FDA approved test (NSCLC).
    • Adult and pediatric patients 12 years of age and older with advanced or metastatic RET-mutant medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) who require systemic therapy.
    • Adult and pediatric patients 12 years of age and older with advanced or metastatic RET fusion-positive thyroid cancer who require systemic therapy and who are radioactive iodine-refractory (if radioactive iodine is appropriate).
  • Approved Label01 December 2020 (PDF)

  • Active Ingredient(s): Berotralstat
  • Strength: 150 mg; 110 mg
  • Dosage Form(s) / Route(s): Capsule; oral
  • Company: Biocryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
  • Approval Date: 03 December 2020
  • Submission Classification: Type 1 - New Molecular Entity
  • Indication(s): Indicated for prophylaxis to prevent attacks of hereditary angioedema (HAE) in adults and pediatric patients 12 years and older.
  • Approved Label03 December 2020 (PDF)

  • Active Ingredient(s): Tirbanibulin
  • Strength: 1%
  • Dosage Form(s) / Route(s): Ointment; topical
  • Company: Athenex, Inc.
  • Approval Date: 14 December 2020
  • Submission Classification: Type 1 - New Molecular Entity
  • Indication(s): Indicated for the topical treatment of actinic keratosis of the face or scalp.
  • Approved Label14 December 2020 (PDF)