Product Highlight - FORTIMA

03 Sep 2021
Product Highlight - FORTIMA
Kapag may LAKAS ka, iba ang GANDA!3
                                             *with a healthy lifestyle

• Vitamin E + Vitamin C + Zinc (FORTIMA®) is a brand that contains a unique combination of immunity-boosting and skin-caring vitamins and mineral that work in synergy to help boost bodily functions, skin structure and moisture from within1, 2

• It helps build immunity against common respiratory illnesses (such as pneumonia and common cold) and gives strength of body and healthy looking skin1, 2

(1) Product information of Fortima™.
(2) Carr, A.C., Maggini, S. Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients 2017; 9 (11):1211. doi: 10.3390/nu9111211.
ASC Reference Code: U081P070721FS


No. 132 Pioneer Street, Mandaluyong City 1550, Metro Manila
Tel No. 8858 1288

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