CheckMate 040 subanalysis shows nivolumab and high-dose ipilimumab of benefit in Asian HCC patients and overall population
02 Sep 2020
byNatalia Reoutova
Combination immunotherapy with nivolumab (1 mg/kg) and high-dose ipilimumab (3 mg/kg), given every 3 weeks (nivo1+ipi3 Q3W) for four cycles, followed by flat-dose nivolumab (240 mg) maintenance every 2 weeks (Q2W), achieved greater efficacy vs two high-dose nivolumab (3 mg/kg) and ipilimumab (1 mg/kg) regimens (nivo3+ipi1) in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and in Asian patients, in particular, according to a subanalysis of the phase I/II CheckMate 040 trial presented at the virtual World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer (WCGC) 2020.