Dengue’s Lingering Impact: Investigating the Chronic Consequences of Dengue Infection

31 Jul 2023
Dengue’s Lingering
Impact: Investigating the
Chronic Consequences of
Dengue Infection
Dengue is endemic in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world and afflicts an estimated 100million people each year. The acute infection typically resolves on its own within 7–10 days. In certain instances, however, the infection may lead to longer-term chronic sequelae, which we term here as “long dengue”. Similar post-infectious syndromes have also been observed following other viral infections, such as COVID-19. Among patients with long dengue, chronic fatigue, characterised by persistent fatigue and malaise, is often one of the most prominent symptoms, and can persist for weeks or even months after acute infection. Other potential effects may include concentration impairment, and even depression. The incidence and severity of these chronic sequelae vary between individuals.
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