Daily application of M89, which contains 89% Vichy volcanic mineralizing water (VVMW) and 0.4% hyaluronic acid, significantly improves skin characteristics in individuals with clinical signs and symptoms of rosacea, according to a study presented at AAD 2021.
“M89 … reinforces the natural defences of the skin in restoring the natural skin barrier, stimulating antioxidant activity, and reducing inflammation, which is commonly observed in [individuals] with rosacea,” said lead author Dr Jerry Tan from the Department of Medicine at Western University in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
This subgroup analysis involved 114 individuals with rosacea (mean age 43.0 years, 85.8 percent female), of whom 58.4 percent and 26.5 percent had skin phototype II and III, respectively, and 57.5 percent had dry or very dry skin. Participants were given M89 once or twice daily as an adjunct to conventional therapy for 4 weeks. [AAD 2021, abstract 26266]
At baseline, majority of the participants with sensitive skin had erythema (95.6 percent), while 58.8 percent had irritation and 53.1 percent had desquamation.
After 4 weeks of treatment, a significantly high proportion of participants experienced improved or resolved clinical signs of irritation, desquamation, and erythema (95.1 percent, 89.5 percent, 77.9 percent, respectively; p˂0.0001).
Of the participants with symptoms at the start of the study, significant decreases in mean score for dryness (from 6.3 to 2.3), burning sensation (from 5.1 to 1.5), itching (from 5.7 to 2.0; p<0.0001), and stinging/tingling (from 4.4 to 1.5;) were observed at the end of the study.
More than half of the participants also achieved a significant improvement from baseline in skin hydration (69.4 percent; p<0.0001), although there was no significant change in papules/pustule count.
Overall, 97.3 percent of the participants reported satisfaction with the texture of M89, indicated by an increase in mean satisfaction score after 4 weeks (from 7.8 to 8.6), with 96.5 percent having soothed or very soothed skin.
“[In conclusion,] M89 applied as an adjunct [daily skin care] … improves clinical signs and symptoms of rosacea, with [almost all participants reported to have] high tolerability and satisfaction in a real-life setting,” said Tan.
“[M89] is hypoallergenic and contains no perfume, [and is] thus … suitable for [individuals] with rosacea,” he noted.