Management of allergic rhinitis – focus on Bilaxten

14 Jan 2022
Management of allergic rhinitis – focus on Bilaxten
Allergic rhinitis can induce two types of symptoms in patients: i) histamine-mediated symptoms such as vasodilatation, rhinorrhoea, itching and sneezing, and ii) allergic inflammation resulting from the action of eosinophils in the nasal lining. H1-antihistamine therapy is a mode of therapy that seeks to mitigate the histamine-mediated symptoms of allergic rhinitis; this therapy aims to relieve symptoms and to improve quality of life in patients.


Management of allergic rhinitis – focus on Bilaxten

Management of allergic rhinitis – focus on Bilaxten

Management of allergic rhinitis – focus on Bilaxten

Management of allergic rhinitis – focus on Bilaxten