Women appear to experience premature menopause in the presence of diabetes, according to a study.
The study used data from the Comprehensive Cohort of Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging and included women with a premenopausal diagnosis of diabetes. The analysis included 11,436 women, weighted to represent a population of 1,474,412 Canadian women aged 45–85 years.
Researchers applied Kaplan-Meier cumulative survivorship estimates and multivariable Cox regression models to examine the association between diabetes types and age at natural menopause. They included factors such as sociodemographic, lifestyle, and premenopausal clinical factors in the analysis as potential confounders.
The median age at natural menopause was 52 years. The risk of premature menopause was elevated among women who were diagnosed with diabetes at an early age than among nondiabetics (type 1 diabetes at <30 years: hazard ratio [HR], 1.55, 95 percent confidence interval [CI], 1.05–2.28; type 2 diabetes at 30–39 years: HR, 1.82, 95 percent CI, 1.12–2.94).
Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes diagnosis at a later age (≥40 years) was associated with later age at natural menopause (HR, 0.63, 95 percent CI, 0.50–0.80).
There was no association observed between gestational diabetes and age at natural menopause.
The present data contribute to understanding the long-term health implications of diabetes on women's reproductive health and ageing.