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‘Triple-G’ obesity drug also targets NAFLD in phase II trial
‘Triple-G’ obesity drug also targets NAFLD in phase II trial
11 Jul 2023 byAudrey Abella

In a subanalysis of a phase II trial on obesity, retatrutide, a triagonist of GIP*, GLP**, and glucagon receptors, also demonstrated multiple favourable signals for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

‘Triple-G’ obesity drug also targets NAFLD in phase II trial
11 Jul 2023
NAFLD a risk factor for young-onset hypertension
NAFLD a risk factor for young-onset hypertension
09 Jun 2023

Young people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are at increased risk of hypertension, especially women and those with more severe hepatic steatosis, as shown in a study.

NAFLD a risk factor for young-onset hypertension
09 Jun 2023
Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir effective, safe for paediatric HCV
Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir effective, safe for paediatric HCV
25 May 2023
Type 2 hepatitis no different from type 1 in terms of outcome
Type 2 hepatitis no different from type 1 in terms of outcome
02 May 2023