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Final PROpel data confirm OS advantage with abiraterone plus olaparib
Final PROpel data confirm OS advantage with abiraterone plus olaparib
01 Mar 2023 byJairia Dela Cruz

The combination of olaparib plus abiraterone in the first-line treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) appears to show a consistent trend toward overall survival (OS) benefit, according to the results of the final prespecified analysis of the phase III PROpel study presented at ASCO GU 2023.

Final PROpel data confirm OS advantage with abiraterone plus olaparib
01 Mar 2023
Use of biomarkers, biologics ups success rate of clinical trials in gastric cancer
Use of biomarkers, biologics ups success rate of clinical trials in gastric cancer
01 Mar 2023

Success rates of clinical trials in gastric cancer tend to improve with the use of implementing biomarkers, receptor-targeted therapies, and biologics in clinical development, suggests a recent study.

Use of biomarkers, biologics ups success rate of clinical trials in gastric cancer
01 Mar 2023
Statin therapy reduces major vascular events after stroke
Statin therapy reduces major vascular events after stroke
01 Mar 2023
Doxycycline, meningo vax reduce STI incidence among MSM on PrEP
Doxycycline, meningo vax reduce STI incidence among MSM on PrEP
28 Feb 2023 byStephen Padilla

Use of doxycycline as postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) results in a significant decrease in the incidence of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and syphilis and demonstrates a significant impact on the incidence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC), reports a study presented at the 30th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI). Meningococcal B vaccine also helps lower the incidence of GC.

Doxycycline, meningo vax reduce STI incidence among MSM on PrEP
28 Feb 2023
PrEP use tied to ‘stable’ STI incidence, sexual behaviour among MSM
PrEP use tied to ‘stable’ STI incidence, sexual behaviour among MSM
27 Feb 2023 byStephen Padilla

The incidence of sexually transmitted infection (STI) over the first 4 years of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use remains high and stable, but the incidence of chlamydia and gonorrhea has slightly decreased among daily PrEP users, as shown in a study presented at the 30th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI).

PrEP use tied to ‘stable’ STI incidence, sexual behaviour among MSM
27 Feb 2023