News & Updates

5-ASA maintenance therapy of little help in patients with newly diagnosed CD
5-ASA maintenance therapy of little help in patients with newly diagnosed CD
23 Mar 2023
Response to therapy higher in clinical trial than real-world RCC patients
Response to therapy higher in clinical trial than real-world RCC patients
22 Mar 2023

Among patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) who have received first-line therapies, complete response rates are lower in the real-world population than in the clinical trial population, reports a recent study. Complete response predicts a favourable overall survival.

Response to therapy higher in clinical trial than real-world RCC patients
22 Mar 2023
Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
21 Mar 2023

Patients with human T-lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV-1) infection may develop erectile dysfunction (ED), and time to progression to its severe form is significantly associated with the degree of neurologic compromise at baseline, reveals a study.

Neurologic disability predicts severe ED in men infected with HTLV-1
21 Mar 2023