News & Updates

Women hospitalized with COVID-19 suffer from menstrual changes, worse mental health
Women hospitalized with COVID-19 suffer from menstrual changes, worse mental health
21 Jul 2022

COVID-19 appears to alter the menstrual cycle and impair mental health in women hospitalized for the disease, a recent study has found.

Women hospitalized with COVID-19 suffer from menstrual changes, worse mental health
21 Jul 2022
Electroacupuncture helps fight insomnia in patients with depression
Electroacupuncture helps fight insomnia in patients with depression
18 Jul 2022 byJairia Dela Cruz

For patients with depression who struggle to fall asleep, electroacupuncture can help with getting a better night’s sleep, with sustained effects, as shown in a study.

Electroacupuncture helps fight insomnia in patients with depression
18 Jul 2022
Meta-analysis favours citalopram in poststroke recovery
Meta-analysis favours citalopram in poststroke recovery
15 Jul 2022 byJairia Dela Cruz

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can prevent and treat depression following stroke, in addition to improving anxiety, dependence, motor function, and cognitive function—benefits that are only reproducible with citalopram but not fluoxetine, according to a meta-analysis said to be the most up to date.

Meta-analysis favours citalopram in poststroke recovery
15 Jul 2022
Clinical anxiety common in children with autism spectrum disorders
Clinical anxiety common in children with autism spectrum disorders
11 Jul 2022

Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are highly likely to suffer from clinical-level anxiety, a recent study has found. ASD severity and sensory processing difficulties appear to aggravate anxiety in this population.

Clinical anxiety common in children with autism spectrum disorders
11 Jul 2022
Isotretinoin does not hurt patients’ mental health, study says
Isotretinoin does not hurt patients’ mental health, study says
11 Jul 2022 byJairia Dela Cruz

While treatment with isotretinoin for acne is said to have a negative impact on mental health, its use appears to instead mitigate the excess psychiatric risk associated with treatment-resistant moderate-to-severe acne, as reported in a large study.

Isotretinoin does not hurt patients’ mental health, study says
11 Jul 2022