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Use of RAS inhibitors associated with lower cancer risk in T2D
Use of RAS inhibitors associated with lower cancer risk in T2D
03 Oct 2022 byNatalia Reoutova

A real-world study of over 250,000 type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients from Hong Kong has found that use of renin-angiotensin-system inhibitors (RASIs) is independently associated with reduced risk of cancer, including diabetes-related cancers and cancer-specific mortality in diabetes.

Use of RAS inhibitors associated with lower cancer risk in T2D
03 Oct 2022
Treatment-resistant depression imposes high healthcare utilization
Treatment-resistant depression imposes high healthcare utilization
02 Oct 2022

Patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression (TRD) have higher healthcare resource utilization (HRU) associated with psychiatric services, reports a recent study.

Treatment-resistant depression imposes high healthcare utilization
02 Oct 2022
Pemafibrate superior to conventional fibrates in T2DM
Pemafibrate superior to conventional fibrates in T2DM
01 Oct 2022

Treatment with pemafibrate in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) yields more favourable effects on lipid profile, as well renal function, as compared with conventional fibrates, a study has found.

Pemafibrate superior to conventional fibrates in T2DM
01 Oct 2022