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Remote ischaemic conditioning improves neurologic function in acute stroke
Remote ischaemic conditioning improves neurologic function in acute stroke
22 Aug 2022

Treatment with remote ischaemic conditioning in adults with acute moderate ischaemic stroke appears to increase the chances of achieving excellent neurologic function at 90 days as compared with usual care, as shown in the results of an open-label, blinded-endpoint, randomized clinical trial.

Remote ischaemic conditioning improves neurologic function in acute stroke
22 Aug 2022
ASCL1 a potential therapeutic target for treating Cushing’s disease
ASCL1 a potential therapeutic target for treating Cushing’s disease
20 Aug 2022

A recent study attempting to understand the pathogenesis of Cushing’s disease (CD) suggests the potential of achaete-scute complex homolog 1 (ASCL1), a pioneer transcription factor, as a therapeutic target for the treatment of CD.

ASCL1 a potential therapeutic target for treating Cushing’s disease
20 Aug 2022