Colds (Patient Counselling Guide)

12 Jul 2022
Colds (Patient Counselling Guide)
Colds are caused by viruses (eg, rhinoviruses and coronaviruses) that infect the nose, throat, sinus, and upper airways. It is usually spread via coughing or sneezing and by direct contact. The virus enters the body through the mouth or nose, or even through hand-to-hand contact with someone who has a cold or by using shared objects eg, utensils, towels, or telephones. The common cold does not cause any harm, but can cause discomfort. If left untreated or unchecked by a physician, a long-standing bout with the common cold may lead to complications including otitis media (acute ear infection), asthma, sinusitis, strep throat, chronic bronchitis, and pneumonia.

* Click below to view Patient Counselling Guide in Thai




