Active ingredient: Human prothrombin complex
Indication: Treatment & perioperative prophylaxis of bleeding in acquired deficiency of prothrombin complex coagulation factors in adults eg, deficiency caused by treatment or overdose w/ vit K antagonists, when rapid correction of deficiency is required. Treatment & perioperative prophylaxis of haemorrhages in congenital deficiency of vit K-dependent coagulation factors in adults when purified specific coagulation factor concentrate is not available.
Dosage & Administration: IV Not to administer >2 mL/min (60 IU/min). Individualized dose. Max single dose: 50 IU/kg.
Bleeding & perioperative prophylaxis of bleeding during vit K antagonist treatment INR >6 50 IU/kg,
4-6 35 IU/kg,
2-3.9 25 IU/kg.
Takeda (Thailand) Ltd
57 Park Ventures Ecoplex Bldg, 15 Fl, Wireless Rd,
Lumpini, Patumwan, Bangkok 10330
Tel: (+66) 2697 9300 • Fax: (+66) 2697 9398-9