Vaginitis (Patient Counselling Guide)

14 Jul 2023
Vaginitis (Patient Counselling Guide)
Vaginitis is a general term used to denote an inflammation of the vagina. Symptoms include a change in the volume, color, or odor of vaginal discharge, vaginal itching or irritation, burning sensation, pain during intercourse, painful urination, or light vaginal bleeding or spotting. The cause is usually a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria and yeast in the vagina, or an infection. Reduced estrogen levels and irritation from chemicals in creams, sprays, or even clothing that are in contact with this area may also cause vaginitis. In some cases, it results from organisms that are passed between sexual partners. Infectious vaginitis is generally caused by 1 of 3 types of infections: bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis (yeast infection), or trichomoniasis. Irritant or allergic vaginitis may result from irritating substances (eg, scented panty liners, spermicides, perfumed soaps, and some topical drugs), and allergens (eg, latex condoms, topical antifungal agents, seminal fluid, and chemical preservatives) that produce acute and chronic hypersensitivity reactions, including contact dermatitis. Atrophic vaginitis is a condition that causes the vagina and tissues near the vagina to get dry, thin, and inflamed. It results from estrogen loss. This condition may affect women who have been through menopause, nursing mothers, those whose ovaries were removed, or those who are taking certain medicines. Risk factors that may increase the risk of developing vaginitis include: sexual activity, having a sexually transmitted infection, hormonal changes (ie, those associated with menopause, pregnancy, or birth control pills), medications (eg, antibiotics and corticosteroids), uncontrolled diabetes, disorders of the immune system (eg, HIV/AIDS or organ transplantation), use of spermicides, diaphragms, or intrauterine device (IUD) for birth control, douching, use of hygiene products (eg, bubble bath, vaginal spray, or deodorant), poor hygiene, and wearing damp or tight-fitting clothing. Vaginitis affects women of all ages but it is most common during the reproductive years.

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