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Donanemab BLAZEs through Alzheimer’s treatment TRAIL in first active comparator trial
Donanemab BLAZEs through Alzheimer’s treatment TRAIL in first active comparator trial
10 May 2023 byAudrey Abella

The first study to directly compare two disease-modifying agents for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the phase III TRAILBLAZER-ALZ 4 study shows promising efficacy and safety data on donanemab vs aducanumab for the treatment of early symptomatic AD.

Donanemab BLAZEs through Alzheimer’s treatment TRAIL in first active comparator trial
10 May 2023
Delaying treatment of glaucoma not necessarily harmful
Delaying treatment of glaucoma not necessarily harmful
10 May 2023

Withholding treatment in individuals with glaucoma does not appear to lead to serious consequences in terms of visual function, according to a study.

Delaying treatment of glaucoma not necessarily harmful
10 May 2023
Mid-dose beta-blocker therapy tied to highest mortality reduction after AMI
Mid-dose beta-blocker therapy tied to highest mortality reduction after AMI
09 May 2023 byStephen Padilla

Use of any beta-blocker dose results in a significant decrease in mortality following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) when compared with no treatment, reports a study. Doses >25 percent to 50 percent of the currently recommended target dose (RTD) are associated with highest mortality reduction within the first year after AMI, indicating that higher doses are not required.

Mid-dose beta-blocker therapy tied to highest mortality reduction after AMI
09 May 2023