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High-intensity training eases anxiety, stress in prostate cancer
High-intensity training eases anxiety, stress in prostate cancer
17 Apr 2022

A supervised high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program for 12 weeks leads to improvements in prostate cancer-specific anxiety, fear of cancer progression, hormone symptoms, stress, fatigue, and self-esteem in men on active surveillance, reports a study.

High-intensity training eases anxiety, stress in prostate cancer
17 Apr 2022
Erectile dysfunction common among men with anxiety
Erectile dysfunction common among men with anxiety
11 Apr 2022

Men with anxiety disorder commonly suffer from concomitant erectile dysfunction, according to a recent systematic review.

Erectile dysfunction common among men with anxiety
11 Apr 2022
Synaptic variability lowers cortical gamma oscillation power in schizophrenia
Synaptic variability lowers cortical gamma oscillation power in schizophrenia
08 Apr 2022

Gamma oscillation power in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in schizophrenia can significantly decrease with greater variability in excitatory synaptic strength across parvalbumin interneurons (PVIs), together with other modest synaptic alterations in these neurons, suggests a recent study.

Synaptic variability lowers cortical gamma oscillation power in schizophrenia
08 Apr 2022
Psychological intervention plus physiotherapy care most effective for low back pain
Psychological intervention plus physiotherapy care most effective for low back pain
07 Apr 2022