Nội dung của trang này:
Nội dung của trang này:
As resources permit, the local
health facility should follow up on non-hospitalized patients through home
visits and telephone contact. Follow-up should be done within 24 to 48 hours as
most avian influenza patients develop pneumonia on days 4 to 5 after the onset
of symptoms. Patients should seek medical treatment if their condition worsens.
Adult patients should observe social
contact restriction and infection control procedures for 7 days after the resolution
of fever and symptoms. Children under 12 years old should observe social
contact restriction and infection control procedures for 21 days after the resolution
of symptoms and fever.
Isolation precautions
should be continued for 14 days after the onset of symptoms until an
alternative diagnosis is established or until diagnostic test results indicate
that the patient is not infected with the influenza A virus. Serial respiratory
and blood specimens may be requested to check for possible bacterial infection.
For patients discharged before 14 days, it is recommended that they be isolated
in the home setting.
is the most common complication of influenza virus. Influenza may be followed
by viral pneumonia and secondary bacterial pneumonia.
Other complications include otitis
media, parotitis, tracheobronchitis, acute sinusitis, rhabdomyolysis with renal
failure, myocarditis, hemophagocytic syndrome, multi-organ failure,
encephalitis, and worsening of underlying conditions.